Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monsters in Miami

Summer in Miami means just one thing to me...

That's not true, it means a lot of things. Heat, boat picnics, heat, humidity, pool time with Aiden, bufo toads, rain, heat, humidity....

Aside from all of that bliss, it means MOSQUITOS.

It's not as if we haven't lived in fear of malaria or West Nile virus before. The minute the sun started to set in Arkansas, giant pterodactyl mosquitos emerged, occasionally eating a small dog or cat. Midwestern summer evenings often end with a run inside to avoid the dusk descent of the little buggers.

Miami though, is as with many things, a whole different story.

Starting when the summer rains begin, I douse myself with Deep Woods Off before venturing outside for anything more than fetching the morning paper (and I've got bitten for my lack of diligence). I spray my head and shoulders if I'm going into the pool. If I don't, I'll get bitten on the cheek or ear. I'm terrified I'm going to die of DEET poisoning. The mosquitos swarm around Aiden as we walk, and if I've missed even the smallest piece of skin, I'll get a bite.

I'm bringing this up because yesterday when the dog and I started out, a new mosquito-ish bug was swarming around him. It had a heavier body, and moved slowly. I wasn't even sure it was a biting bug, or simply another swarming pest. I killed a couple that landed on me, and brushed Aiden off before letting him in the house.

Searching with Google, I found it was the Tiger Mosquito. I didn't realize how many mosquito varieties existed and commonly tortured area residents. Today, the tribe clearly had matured and gotten its bearings. Covered in Off, we started walking. Aiden was immediately swarmed. When I stopped to chat for 30 seconds with a neighbor, I was bitten on the knee and the hand - she did not have repellent on, and after several bites, turned back home, defeated by the little monsters. I can't imagine how itchy Aiden must be!

I read that people with "sweeter" sweat get bitten more than those with "salty" sweat. I'm not sure of this science. As a runner, I have had more than the usual opportunity to taste my sweat (especially trying to keep up the miles in Miami), and it seems plenty salty - but I like the idea of being vulnerable because of my sweet nature. Awww....

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